The J34 was the only truly successful turbojet built by Westinghouse. The J34-WE-36 was used on the Douglas F3D-2 “Skynight”, and as an auxiliary power plant on Lockheed’s propeller-driven P2V-6F and PL2V-7 “Neptune” patrol bombers. In 1947, Westinghouse designed the 4,600 lb thrust J46-WE-3 to replace the smaller J34-WE-36. However, when the J46 failed to meet specifications, the J34 was updated as the J34-WE-36A and installed, despite its lower comparative static thrust. The only aircraft powered by the -36 was the F3D-2 “Skynight”, a night fighter used exclusively by the Marine Corps in the Korean War, which destroyed more enemy planes than any other Navy or Marine Corps type in use.
The engine on display was built by the Westinghouse Aviation Gas Turbine Division and was accepted on April 23, 1952. It was acquired in October 1998 on long term loan from the National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps.