Job Title: Science Teacher
Affiliation: North Adams High School
Subjects Taught: Physics, Chemistry, physical science and biology
Grades Taught: 9-12
Email: rdunkin@cinci.rr.com
2013 Train-the-trainer program – Randall Dunkin is a Science Teacher at North Adams High School in Seaman, Ohio. North Adams High School is a rural school of 483 students, located in Adams County, Ohio: home to The Great Serpent Effigy Mound and the prehistoric impact crater previously known as the cryptoblastic exposure. Randall Dunkin enjoys a wide range of science topics and brings these into his classroom, keeping students engaged in. He has taugh physics, chemistry, physical science, and biology. Currently Randall Dunkin teaches bioenergy within his biology class and bioproducts within his chemistry class. In his spare time, Randall pursues his interests in astronomy, poetry, philosophy and piano. In the summer of 2013, Randall traveled to Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, where he participated as a Teaching Fellow, graduated from the Train-the-trainer program, and then traveled to Princess Anne, MD to assist with the one-week Teaching Partners workshop at University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Randall, accompanied by his family at both locations, takes time during the summer to participate in professional development programs such as BBEP in order to understand the current workforce opportunities for his students!